Database system for Palaeontologists and Biologists
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Manual Version 2.6


Hdb2Win Version 2.6

Advice for users of version 2.5.2

The following release 2.6 of the programme includes also the files you need to update to PaleoTax SR19, PalCol SR9, and Oliva SR5.

  • make first backup copies of your data,
  • install then Hdb2Win/PaleoTax 2.6 and
  • install finally SR19 / SR9 / SR5. Only Oliva SR5 has modifications of the data structure.
There is a new manual for Oliva SR5 and a new manual for PalCol SR9 (German). There is a general manual for Hdb2Win (new document).

Advice for new users

Hdb2Win is a database system that comes with three predefined application libraries:

  • PaleoTax - Taxon based library for palaeontological data, that serves to record (analyse, output) the of one limited (taxonomical, geographical, stratigraphical) limited area.
  • PalCol - Specimen based library for palaeontological data, that serves to record a collection of palaeontological material.
  • Oliva - Specimen based library for biological (preferred marine) data, that exceeds a normal collection database since it offers a wide range of programmes to analyse data.
Of course you may modify (extend) existing libraries as well as create your own libraries.
Release and Components

Hdb2Win 2.6 is released in one executable archive. Installation should work without problems under Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7/8/10/11.

The archive contains the following components

  • Hdb2Win System - Basic files for new installation and update. Required for all users.
  • PaleoTax Database Structure SR 19 - PaleoTax data base structure for new installation and update. Only for PaleoTax [Taxonomic data base] users required.
  • PalCol Database Structure SR 9 - PalCol data base structure for new installation and update. Only for PalCol [Collection data base] users required.
  • Oliva Database Structure SR 5 - Oliva data base structure for new installation and update. Only for Oliva [Extant collection and research data base] users required.
  • PaleoTax / Graph - PaleoTax graphic package for new installation and update (Version 2.6). Since the functions are now included in Hdb2Win only required for users who estimate their database more intensely.
  • PaleoTax / Map - Map programme package new version and update (Version 2.2.3). Only required for PaleoTax users who would like to plot localities, genera and species.
  • PaleoTax / Measure - Measure tool is not anymore included here. User who would like to work with PaleoTax/Measure, please go directly to PaleoTax/Measure and download a much smaller archive.
How to install the software

  • Download the archive.
  • Start this executable archive.
  • Install the required moduls.
  • User who install HDB2WIN for the first time, do not need to execute any Service Release.
    User, who have installed an older version before, need to update their data structure:
    .../[user]/documents/HDB2WIN/PTX_SR19/SR19.PRF (for PaleoTax)
    .../[user]/documents/HDB2WIN/PCL_SR9/SR9.PRF (for PalCol)
    .../[user]/documents/HDB2WIN/OLI_SR5/SR5 (for Oliva).

Hdb2Win 2.6 (1 March 2025) hdb26012.exe (3.8 MB)

Symantec Norton Antivirus erroneously regards hdbxx.exe a dangerous file which is related with "WS.Reputation.1". This trouble often happens to new executable files with a few users, and the downloaded file is automatically deleted by Norton.


Documentation on Hdb2Win 2.6, Service Releases, PaleoTax/Measure can be downloaded here.
For PaleoTax 2.0 a German Handbuch, for PaleoTax 2.1 a manual in the English language is available (both as free PDF, or as paper version 6€ each). Please check also the list of extra documentation as PDF files.

Older structural data of the application libraries

User, who have missed a Service Release, may it download here.

Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7/8/10/11 are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corp.

© Hannes Löser, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Updated : 02-20-2025.