What is new in PaleoTax 2.4 ?
- Adaption to Windows 8 (R)
- Improved error management in list boxes and buttons
- More restrictive management of variables in programs
- Better adaption to long names and directory names containing points
- More clear assignment and management of a working directory
- The format of the application parameter files is simplified
- New Style Sheet Builder
- Improved adaption to virtualisations of Windows (R) in other environments (Linux, Apple (R) )
- Improved graphic library (among others : GIF support)
- Improved format of the project files (*.DB2)
- Improved and new queries and forms in PaleoTax and PalCol
- XML output, LOC (Geocache) output
© Hannes Löser, Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
Updated : 05-26-2018.