Program history (from the beginning to 2005)
- ... and everything, what follows.
- (June, 1, 2005) - The Internet presentation is updated (without frames).
- (December, 10, 2004) - Information on PalCol, the structure extension for palaeontologic collections, is updated (in English).
- (December,1, 2004) - A small program update is ready for download.
- (November, 17, 2004) - Information on Paleotax/Map are updated.
- (September, 1, 2004) - Release Hdb2Win 2.1.2 is ready for download, together with Service Release 6. The tool for the data visualization PaleoTax/Graph will be provided as well, together with more programs to analyse data.
- (June, 1, 2004). - The manual for PaleoTax 2.1 in English is printed.
- (April, 1, 2004) - The graph of the data structure is improved.
- (November, 1, 2003) - Release 2.1.1 is ready for download.
- (September, 1, 2003) - The F.A.Q. in English is opened and will mainly care about problems on and questions to version 2.1.
- (August, 1, 2003) - Version 2.1 is available for download. Details you may find here.
- (May, 10, 2003) - First preliminary information on PaleoGraph is available.
- (March, 15, 2003) - A tour through the program (Version 2.1) is available.
- (November, 1, 2002) - Sub release as well as 4th Service Release to improve forms and programs are released and available for download.
- (October, 23, 2002) - Since October 2002 a listserver is available for PaleoTax users and all other interested persons. Mails which are sent to this server are distributed among those persons who have registrated for this service. The address of the list server is Information about updates and Service Release will be distributed through this server as well.
- (July, 10, 2002) - Release of Hdb2Win version 2.1 will probably be released also in the Spanish language.
- (May, 15, 2002) - Release of Hdb2Win version 2.1 is uncertain. - Because of profound (technical) modifications of the form interpreter and the integration of the data analyses the release will be delayed. But Hdb2Win 2.1 will come along with an English manual (that's the good message).
- (April, 5, 2002) - The programs for handling problems of data integrity after heavy program crashs or sudden power down do not work properly with version Hdb2Win 2.0.3. A new program and service release also for this cases is under preparation. The use of this program will not increase your damage anyway but may stop with an error message.
- (March, 29, 2002) - Release of program version Hdb2Win 2.0.3 to remove minor errors and improve functionality, as well as 3rd Service Release to improve forms and programs.
- (February, 15, 2002) - For early April program release 2.0.3 is scheduled which will mainly remove some minor errors in the translation of the database into HTML and provide some improve of the program functionality. The modul for analysing the database will be released with the next program release or update (August, 1, 2002).
- (November, 1, 2001) - Release of program version Hdb2Win 2.0.2 to remove minor errors and improve functionality, as well as 2nd Service Release to improve forms and programs.
- (September 15, 2001) - Modul for analysing the database anounced : behind the disabled button Analyse in the PaleoTax main menu various programs are hidden, which assess the database under various aspects, export the results into ASCII files and display them additionally in a graphic chart.
- (September, 1, 2001) - First Service Release is available to remove minor errors in some forms and programs.
- (August, 1, 2001) - Hdb2Win, version 2.0, release 1, built 39 is free for download.
- (July, 13, 2001) - Supply of the German handbook.
- (June, 10, 2001) - The English version of the program is completed.
- (May, 15, 2001) - The domain is on-line. The PaleoTax pages were moved from to their final position.
- (May, 1, 2001) - The German handbook (136 pages, A4 format) is ready for print.
- (March, 1, 2001) - The development of PaleoTax 2.0 is finished. A profound test begins.
- (January, 1, 2001) - Migration of large databases to PaleoTax 2.0.
- (June, 1, 2000) - PaleoTax 2.0 works.
- (March, 1, 2000) - In its outlines, PaleoTax is completed. The migration program for converting PaleoTax 1.x data is finished.
- (January, 11, 2000) - HDB2WIN runs the first time under Windows.
- (March, 1, 1999) - The work at the data base kernel of HDB 2.0 (later HDB2Win) started, still under MS-DOS.
© Hannes Löser, Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
Updated : 04-23-2020.